Helpcentrum TROOV
Unable to make an appointment
Make an appointment easily
To make a reservation
How to make a reservation on Troov ?
To make a reservation, all you have to do is click on the reservation link shared by one of our partners and make your appointment by following the steps : choice of the calendar (If the store offers several services by reservation sucha as visit in store, Click & Collect, after-sales service, etc.), choice of the number of people with whom you plan to visit the store and selection of the niche.
Some of our partners can add fields specific to their store or service (example: reservation number), remember to answer them too!
The duration authorized in the store is also indicated on this form for information.
In geval van nood kunt u onze hotline bereiken op:
01 84 80 44 24 maandag tot vrijdag van 10 tot 18 uur