How TROOV help you
How it works
Report a lost or found item
Prove ownership of the item
Get it back!
You should know
If you add a photo to your report, you increase by more than 50% your chances of finding your lost item
Our ambassadors
A matching algorithm to help you identify matches in the database quickly and without searching
Troov securely aggregates all items lost and found by its community in France and worldwide
An interface allows you to find and manage your latest reports in a few clicks: from the notification of the loss, to its delivery
They are talking about us
You lost something in a SNCF train?
Go and consult quickly the last items found from all SNCF stations and trains in France by lost property service and find your property
Are you professional ?
Offer to your team an efficient and collaborative tool
A unique community serving well-being (#techforgood)
A simple online tool to facilitate reporting
An easy and secure customer experience integrated into your software
Decrease the amount of found properties in your stock by returning more items
An algorithm allows you to return up to 3x more items every month
Communicate on this new "feel good" service
A new service that transforms a stressful experience for your customers into a source of pleasure and loyalty to your brand
Become an essential partner of Troov
Do you want to provide an innovative and useful solution to your customers to improve their experience?
Don't wait any longer to discover our partner page!
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